China Approves Testing of Nasal Spray Coronavirus Vaccine
The trials for the vaccine will start in November this year

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China has approved phase I trials for the world’s first nasal spray vaccine to fight coronavirus. The volunteers will be getting a spray through the nose and not any painful injection. The researchers at Xiamen University and Hong Kong University, along with vaccine makers Beijing Wantai Biological Pharmacy Enterprise Co. are developing this vaccine. Coronavirus has infected more than 29 million people worldwide and over 92,000 deaths.
About the Vaccine
The trials for the vaccine are expected to start in November with 100 volunteers. This vaccine is a 10th candidate from China and 35th worldwide to join the global race for effective vaccination.
This vaccine will have a weakened flu virus that carries the genetic segments of the coronavirus’s spike protein. When this vaccination will be given through the nasal tract, it will mimic the natural infection of respiratory viruses to stimulate the body’s immune response against the pathogens that cause COVID-19.
The scientists hope that the vaccine may take another year to finish all three clinical trials. The nasal spray vaccination may also be capable of multiple protection for the recipients. It can fight against the novel coronavirus and influenza viruses like H1N1, H3N2, and B.
According to a Beijing based immunologist, the nasal spray vaccine will be easy to mass-produce and distribute. The result of this vaccine is expected to be better at stopping the spread of the virus through the respiratory system as compared to the needle injection. It is not yet confirmed if immunity from nasal vaccination will last longer than injected vaccines.
Scientists are expecting that the nasal spray will not have any side effects other than minor nasal obstruction or rhinorrhea.
The head of china’s coronavirus vaccine development task force, Zheng Zhongwei told the media a few days back, “We’ve drawn up a series of plan packages, including medical consent forms, side-effects monitoring plans, rescuing plans, and compensation plan to make sure the emergency use is well regulated and monitored.”
Other Vaccine Candidates from China
China has also emphasized on the testing of two shots developed by CanSino Biologics Inc. and state-owned China National Biotec Group Co. It has been reported that none of the volunteers got infected even months after receiving these shots. CanSino has also stated that their military-backed shot is completely safe. The founder of CanSino also brushes off the criticism regarding the vaccine, he assures that their vaccine forms the right amount of antibodies and has caused no severe side effects so far in testing.