4 Different ways to use VItamin E, and its benefits

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If your skin falls under the dry category and have a sheer dullness, Vitamin E could be a great addition to your beauty routine
Vitamin E is known for its repairing and moisturizing properties. Applying it on your skin can fight free radicals while repairing the natural barrier of your skin. Vitamin E is a brilliant antioxidant that keeps the collagen from breaking down maintaining the skin’s elasticity. Moreover, it protects your skin from various environmental elements that can act up on the skin.
Also Read: How to Apply Skin Care Products in daily routine
Here’s how you can use Vitamin E in your daily skincare routine.
With papaya for repairing dull skin
Vitamin E and Vitamin C work the best when teamed up.You can put a few drops of the Vitamin E capsule into some mashed papaya and make it into a paste, then apply it on your skin and gently exfoliate. If dull skin is your concern, papaya will help in getting rid of the dead skin cells as well as brightening the skin. Vitamin E, on the other hand, will go deep into the layers of your skin and strengthen the skin barrier.
With aloe vera to soothe skin
Pampering your skin every now and then is vital, especially after you have had heavy makeup on or been exposed to the direct sunlight during your outdoor lunche dates. add a little Vitamin E to some aloe vera extract inorder to soothe your skin. Form a paste and apply it on your skin. Keep it on till the paste dries out before rinsing it off. The Vitamin E works on your skin’s defences and aloe vera gets absorbed into your skin maintaining its moisture.
With Jojoba Oil for Dark Circles
Busy schedule, Irregular sleep cycle often results in dark panda eyes, and no one wants that, Right? Vitamin E has anti-inflammatory properties along with collagen preservation properties. This is the reason Vitamin E works great if you apply it under your eyes which would prevent formation of fine lines. Apply Vitamin E with Jojoba Oil around your eyes regularly. The result would surely shock you as jojoba oil helps prevent the clogging of the pores and using Vitamin E would moisturize and soften the area under your eyes, leaving them more fresh and plump.
With Coconut Oil for Hair Nourishment
Make Vitamin E your best friend in your fight against hair fall. It contains alpha-tocopherol, a compound that improves the circulation of blood on your scalp increasing hair nourishment. In order to strengthen and moisturize your hair,
mixing some Vitamin E with coconut oil and applying it on your hair would work wonders for sure.