US to re-open schools despite high rates of coronavirus

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Making risky decisions when you are down can either be a breakthrough to the best or the worst. The latest news coming from the USA seems to be something similar.
While the US reports more than 5 million confirmed positive cases of coronavirus and 174,000 deaths as of August’20, the country is all set to re-open schools. “I think, for the most part, they don’t get very sick,” Trump said during a media briefing in the White House. President Trump and his administration are calling for re-opening of schools so that the parents can resume working, and the economy can revive quickly.
The Chemistry of Coronavirus and Kids
Earlier it was suggested that Covid-19 had minimal effects on children up to the age of 18. The virus can’t expose or transmit in kids as much as in adults. But now, new research has given different findings. It states that teenagers can transmit the virus just like adults. When children get the illness, they may shed it with their immunity, but it could be harmful to others. The AAP (American Academy of Paediatrics) suggested that increased total cases in the USA comprise of only 9.1% of children. It also adds that most of the kids are asymptomatic or very mild cases.
Schooling is indeed, essential. Children learn better when they are in direct contact with teachers, but re-opening schools at this point could be dangerous. Hence, this act could lead to a further increase in the number of cases, especially in the younger age group.
How Re-opening Schools Impacted in the Past?
When a school in Georgia re-opened, it led to 100 confirmed cases within 15 days, forcing around 1600 students and staff members to quarantine. Besides, there has been a rise in the number of cases after re-opening many other schools. In the end, they had to return to the online teaching model again.
Political Ties
Re-opening of schools has turned into a political issue in the US, with teachers and school staff protesting over it. They are asking for online classes until any scientific data supports the act. And, instructions for re-opening of schools in the US are touted to be a new election campaign for Trump.
With no fixed way of re-opening the schools, teachers and students should be prepared for new protocols and procedures. If the schools re-open because of the political pressures, all necessary precautions need to be taken strictly. The schools could have a fewer number of students in each class at a given time. As most, if children are asymptomatic, rapid testing could be used to assure the safety of both students and teachers.